photos by Francesca Carol Rolla, June 2019
‘dis-sensus” : with Leman Darıcıoğlu & Joseph Morgan Schofield & me.
a collaboration developed over ten days during “DIS-SENSUS”, Venice International Performance Art Week Summer Class 2019, which took place at C32 performing arts workspace, Forte Marghera, Venice (IT).
we performed a number of collaborative ritual actions, each surprised and thrilled by the trust and sensitivity of the others. Memories, desires and impulses bled together, sharing stories of hope and loss. Caring for the others.
Leman has written:
crossing lines ritual. as trio.
we’re coming from three totally different countries
(Sandra living in Amsterdam, from Lithuania
Joseph from London,
me from Turkey),
even though our memories are not suitable to remember everything
we carry all the past and current stories of geographies we passed by in our bodies
as the burdens on our shoulders, our chests,
we bleed, we fall, we walk on our balls of our feet, we burn we,
memory, flesh, blood, feet, shoulders, queer bodies, burdens, targets, histories, losses, borders,
can we fly free?
non-normative desire (not sexual at all), wish to create a new way of connections, building bridges between “us” as three from three different cultural societies and geographies and suffering from their histories
Photographs @Lorenza Cini